M.S.T.A. Degrees
of S & M.S.T. of A. Degrees
Prophet Noble Drew Ali was
/ is, a Master Mind. He most certainly did the homework outlining what one needs to do to help in the great
missionary work of helping to "Uplift Fallen Humanity", and to "Bring The People Back Into The Constitutional
Fold Of Government". He has already ‘Proclaimed’ and restored you to YOUR Nationality
and exposed the truth about your Birthrights. The Prophet has also brought back the Title to your lost Estate! You must DECLARE
it and you must ‘Proclaim’ or chose to not affirm those divine and national truths.
This book includes "7" Tests that are presented with ANSWERS, to "open your eyes". This, the Moorish Divine and National Movement
is not a Secret Organization! Noble Drew Ali said that himself. The young and yet unborn includes those who
have not been "born again" with a new mind, or those who have not had their personal exorcism (if you will).
This means or implies that they haven't gotten rid of the mental reconstruction of history and law garbage that has been crammed
in their heads and perpetrated by force (Inquisition) upon them and their children through an intentional, socially - engineered mis-education.
This is why Prophet Noble Drew Ali commanded that all the Moorish Temples must have a School. Had that rule
of order occurred, in accord with His Directives, we wouldn't be in this present ignorance and poverty - stricken conditions
caused by mis-education in these days. Nevertheless,
we have an "illustrious history". Once the
exorcism from Inquisition toxicity has occurred, progress has the potential to immediately begin. If such do not occur among
the masses, the same ill-conditions cause them to simply remain social, economic, and political ‘fodder’ as a
result of their own sluggish wills. If the abused natural people can be baptized in the waters of the ancient higher
consciousness of their own Fore-Mother and Fore-Fathers, and endowed with knowledge and with wisdom (as water
represents o symbolizes knowledge), then they are enabled to rescue themselves from the extremely - corrupted Priesthood
and from their exploitative Familiars, helpers and Minions. (Gnosis) the true philosophical science of high – Culture
and Healing (mental and spiritual) is a major key to mental salvation for everyone and anyone. And a mentally – enslaved
and impoverished being will find it extremely difficult to develop the highest spirituality within themselves. ‘Man, Know Thyself’.
Item #RVMS07